Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Minimum Wage The United States Alone Essay - 1161 Words

Zachary Papadatos Mrs. Stockton English IV 6 November 2015 Minimum Wage In the United States alone, the amount of people in poverty is 14.5%. That equates to 45.3 million people in 2013. In a country like America, one of the world’s superpowers, it’s embarrassing to admit. But the main issue is to fix issues like these with the minimum wage and welfare. The minimum wage applies to workers who got a job whether because they were in school or because they had not gone to college and had no other option. Most of the country lives off as minimum wage workers as only 1% of the world’s population has a college degree. Minimum wage needs to be adjusted to modern inflation. But the minimum wage allegedly does not affect poverty at all says a large demographic and does not need to be adjusted. The minimum wage makes up a lot of the country and should be adjusted or modified to today’s standard of living. The wages should be increased but thinking like the opposition, it would be necessary to also look at the downsides of r aising the minimum wage. As said in â€Å"Wage Regulation Will Not Help the Poor†, by Bill Barnes. â€Å"Current unemployment statistics in Georgia. Unemployment in the state has hovered between 3.4 and 6.5 percent over the past decade.†(Barnes 1) This means that the current minimum wage has a high unemployment rate so fixing it at this time and raising the wages will not help anyone and will hurt the economy more than anything. â€Å"Due to the higher mandatedShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech Outline For Non Rising Of Minimum Wage Essay1228 Words   |  5 Pagesis to persuade my audience to support the non-rising of minimum wage. ___________________________________________________________________________ Introduction Attention getter (teaser): How many of you believe we in the state of California should have a higher minimum wage? 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